All the features you need

Increase your productivity while reducing your patients’ anxiety.

Online agenda

Publish your availability online for scheduling appointments for patients.

Confirmation messages

Receive emails and sms confirming appointments, canceled and paid. And your patient too.

Historic and productivity indicators

Dashboard to analyze productivity.


Send invoice to the patient through the platform.

Medical record

Save your notes complying with data protection.

Assistant / Secretary

Create an administrative profile to support your clinical management.

Appointment's booking steps

1. Patient views professional's agenda

Patient chooses the best day and time to the appointment.

2. Patient books appointment

Patient give the reasons for the appointment and confirms booking.

3. Pays for the appointment

Patient pays and has immediate confirmation of the appointment.

4. Emails and sMS

Platform sends confirmation emails and sms to Health Professional and Patients. Access link to the room is also in the message.

5. Video appointment

Health professional and patient meet in the virtual room.